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How to preserve the life of batteries in solar energy


How to preserve the life of batteries in solar energy

Given the period that has exceeded a year and a half since the increase in the use of solar energy in our country, people began to feel the need for information on the optimal use of the solar energy system, and with the increase in the types of batteries in the market, many are confused about which of them is most appropriate to use solar energy and what is the best way to consume energy, and how to conserve batteries. To answer these and other questions, 

How to preserve the life of batteries in solar energy

  • 100% full daily charge.
  •  Matching the charging voltages of the battery with the programming of the charge regulator.
  • Safe hourly discharge and never completely discharge the battery or leave it for a long time without charging.
  •  Regular maintenance of batteries connected in series or parallel every 3 months.

    What are the caveats that lead to battery damage, and how to avoid it

    • Uncertainty about the production date of the battery before use and installation, and it is recommended to charge the stored battery after six months from the date of production.
    •   Overcharging with an amperage higher than the permissible limit, as well as the case with hourly discharge, which is supposed to not exceed 20% of the battery capacity, because this leads to damage and corrosion of the internal plates of the battery.
    •  Charging with a voltage higher than the battery charging voltage specified by the manufacturer, and this poses a threat to the safety and security of people near the battery, because charging with a high voltage may lead to the battery being swollen and often exploding.
    •  Failure to comply with the manufacturer's instructions in the periodic maintenance procedures for the battery, as it must often be after the first three months of use.

    What are the types of batteries, and what is appropriate to use with solar energy

    Lead acid batteries are available in several types, the most important of which are:
    Open Lead acid: They are often intended for engines, generators, and cars. They are called starter batteries, and they have a high amperage output and are also rechargeable, but they are not suitable for using solar energy, which requires charging and discharging for a longer time due to the corrosion of thin lead rods. On the other hand, there are specialized types of solar energy that feature thicker lead bars and are known as "flooded" or "tubular" batteries.

    At the end of this article, we have learned about the best types of batteries and how to maintain them
