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Which energy resources is widely used in industries

 Renewable energy sources are projected to account for more than half of global electricity production by 2035. Power Technology ranks the top five renewable energy sources based on global installed power generation capacity as of 2018.

About one-third of the energy used in the United States in 2015 went to industry. This is understandable given the wide range of activity in this economic sector. Every product we rely on – from gasoline and automobiles to food, buildings, machinery and equipment – requires energy to produce. Energy use in industry directly affects every single citizen through the cost of goods and services, the quality of manufactured products, the strength of the economy and the availability of jobs.

Which energy resources is widely used in industries

The industrial sector uses energy in many ways. A major application involves raising the temperature of components in the manufacturing process, which is called process heating. An example of this is the refining of crude oil, where heat is used to separate the various distillates. Another common use of energy in industry is heating a boiler that generates steam or hot water.

Some industries use a very large share of energy in the industrial sector. Oil refining is the main consumer, with the chemical industry in second place. These users, plus the paper and metal industries, account for 78% of total industrial energy use.

What are the percentages of energy in industries

Industry and manufacturing rely heavily on natural gas  (30% of all energy consumed by the industrial sector in 2015), petroleum and other liquids (26%), and electricity (10%), with coal, renewables, and biofuels making up the rest. 

Industrial energy needs are projected to grow by 31% during the next 25 years, when they will account for about 38% of total U.S. consumption. Part of this increase may occur because some manufacturing activities formerly located overseas are returning to the United States, in response to a recent trend toward lower natural gas prices prompted by increases in domestic production.

What are the countries that use the most energy in industry

China leads the global solar energy sector over the last ten years, - Japan came in second place, but it is expected that it will not hold this position for a long time, due to the limited number of solar energy facilities in it, in 2017, Germany built new solar energy facilities amounting to Its production capacity is only 1.5 gigawatts, but despite that it comes in third place, The United States comes in fourth place, and the country is expected to increase its cumulative production capacity to reach about 85 gigawatts by the end of 2020.

At the end of the article, we maintain what is the most widely used in industries by energy resources, and the present age of energy industries, and the most popular countries in this field.
