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Does solar energy work in winter to produce electricity


Does solar energy work in winter? A question that needs to be answered day by day, with the increasing global trend towards renewable energy as a clean source of electricity, And because solar energy is one of the renewable sources that can be acquired in homes, and does not need large areas such as wind energy, it is a hope for many developing and developed countries alike, to obtain quantities of electricity from alternative sources of fossil fuels, With the need for a reliable and safe source of electricity, the question is increasing about the need for a reliable and safe source of electricity.

Does solar energy work in winter to produce electricity

With the need for a reliable and safe source of electricity, the question is increasing about Does solar energy work in winter, due to the intermittent nature of the sun’s rays that may be obscured by clouds, and some of those who do not have enough information on how solar panels work may not provide them with their needs from Electricity in winter or weather conditions that force the absence of the sun.

How does solar energy work in the sun

To answer the question does solar energy work in winter, It needs to first know the mechanism of solar panels, which is developing day by day.

According to Trina Solar, a technical website that specializes in solar energy, and what the specialized energy platform has seen, the solar photovoltaic panels capture sunlight, release the electrons in the silicon cells in the power panel to become a direct electric current, and then the inverter converts the DC current into alternating current, What makes it usable
After completing the process of generating electricity through solar panels, the surplus electricity that is not consumed can be stored in a battery, or returned to the power grid, and additional electricity can be drawn from the grid if the user needs greater amounts of the efficiency of the generation of solar panels.

Other technologies for solar panels

Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia have developed a device that works similar to night vision goggles on solar panels, which can produce electricity from thermal radiation.

And the scientific journal ACS, affiliated with the Exiton Science Center of Excellence, published the results of Australian University research, which revealed that solar radiation heats the Earth's crust during daylight hours, but this energy is lost in the coldness of space at sunset.
The researchers worked to exploit this waste heat, by converting infrared radiation into electrical energy, as they used a device to generate electricity called a "thermal radiation diode", which uses a technology very similar to that found in night vision technologies.
At the end of this article, we have known an answer if solar panels work in the winter, as well as how they work in this season, and techniques for developing them
