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How to connect solar panels to an MPPT regulator

Connecting Panels to an MPPT Charging Regulator The method of connecting solar panels varies from one charging regulator to another depending on the maximum capacity it can handle, the operating voltage range of the work, and the maximum open circuit voltage.

In conclusion, the reduction of the number of solar panels depends on the three points that were mentioned, and you may find them easily in the data sheet of the “Data Sheet” charging regulator available to you, because the values ​​differ from one type to another.

Therefore, we must bear in mind that the determination of the number of panels and the way they are connected depends entirely on the specifications of the charging regulator type MPPT or any other regulator.

How to connect solar panels to an MPPT regulator

The solar power generation system contains a set of solar cells, a solar charge controller and a storage battery (package). If you want the solar power system to produce 220V or 110V AC power, you need to configure the solar inverter, the solar charge controller regulates the battery charging and discharging, and controls the solar cell and outputs the battery power to the load according to the power demand of the load, which is the core part of the entire PV system.
The popular solar charge controllers on the market are mainly PWM charge controller and MPPT charge controller, the PWM solar charge controller takes on the pulse width modulation control mode, which solves the battery dissatisfaction problem, the charging conversion efficiency is between 75 to 80 %, but the solar panels are not fully used, the MPPT solar charge controller is an upgraded version of the solar PWM controller. The MPPT charge controller can detect the voltage and current of the solar panels in real time and constantly track the maximum power, so the system always charges the battery at the maximum power. MPPT tracking efficiency reaches 99%, and the power generation efficiency of the whole photovoltaic system reaches 97%.

What is MPPT regulator

MPPT is an abbreviation of the English sentence: “Maximum PowerPoint Tracking”, which means in Arabic: “Maximum PowerPoint Tracking”.

It is a DC converter that passes electric current in the form of pulses such as PWM type, but it has the advantage of being able to optimally utilize the energy produced by solar cells, because it reduces the voltage while raising the current.

MPPT regulator mechanism of action

The main principle of operation of the MPPT regulator is to extract the maximum possible electrical energy from the solar cells, by making them operate at the most efficient voltage (the maximum PowerPoint).
Then the regulator works to reduce the total voltage of the panels to the charging voltage and to obtain the maximum charging current for the battery, and also through which it can operate DC electric loads.
At the end of this article, we have got to know the MPPT regulator, its mechanism of action, and how to connect it
